Fachstelle Migration und Gute Arbeit Brandenburg

Probleme bei der Arbeit

We offer information and advice on questions related to labour rights. Our services are confidential and free of charge. We speak German, English, Russian, Polish, French and Arabic.

We support you in defending your labour rights by giving you information about your options. If you wish, we can contact your employer in writing or on the phone. In a so-called legal assertion, we claim the money - that you are entitled to - for you. If our efforts do not lead to a solution, we support you in reaching out to labour courts where you can take legal action to claim your rights.

We provide advisory service to all migrants, who live or work in Brandenburg or who commute to work in Brandenburg. You can also seek our advice if you no longer work at the job in question. Even if you do not have a work permit or are not a member of a trade union, we support you. Everything you tell us is confidential: we do not pass on any information about you to anyone without your consent.

Probleme bei der Arbeit

You haven’t received your (full) salary?

You don’t know if the work contract is correct?

You have received a written or oral dismissal or want to resign yourself?

You don’t get vacation days, or your vacations days are not being paid?

You have had an accident at work, or your health is jeopardised through your work?

You are treated worse than your colleagues at work because you are not from Germany?

Sie haben Rechte

There are labour rights that protect you, for example:

  • Since 2015 there is a minimum wage. Since the 1st of January 2025 the general minimum wage amounts to 12,82 € gross per hour. For a few sectors, there are higher minimum wages, for instance in the construction sector, in facility management and cleaning services or for work through temporary employment agencies. You find those here: www.boeckler.de.
  • Overtime must be paid, or you must be allowed to take time off in compensation.
  • In the event of illness, your boss or health insurance must continue paying a salary.
  • A dismissal is only valid in writing and if the legal statutory notice period is being respected.
These rights apply to you, even if you are not from Germany or are not living in Germany. And there are many more labour rights that protect you!


 Was Sie tun können

WRITE DOWN YOUR WORKING HOURS: Make a note of when you start and finish working, when and for how long you take breaks and where you work (street, construction site…). Write down how much money you have received (in cash) and when you received it. This will help you in case of a conflict with your employer.

COLLECT EVIDENCE: WhatsApp messages, letters and e-mails from your boss help you in emergencies to prove that you were working. Use your phone to take pictures of yourself at your workplace or of the company’s sign.

DO NOT LET YOURSELF GET INTIMIDATED: Do not sign anything that you do not understand or that you do not want to sign (for example work contracts, pay rolls or blank forms).

REUNITE WITH COLLEAGUES: Together you are stronger. Colleagues can help you; they are your witnesses. If you need to have a difficult conversation with your boss, try to have it together with or in presence of your colleagues.

Wenn Sie zur Beratung kommen

When you come see us at our offices, please try to bring all documents that are related to your work. For example:

  • Your work contract or training contract
  • Pay rolls
  • Letter of dismissal/ resignation
  • If possible, an overview of all the hours you have worked


Wie Sie uns erreichen

Our office in Potsdam is open Mondays to Thursdays from 10am to 4pm, and our office in Frankfurt/Oder is open Wednesdays, but we might have appointments elsewhere. Therefore, please agree with us on an appointment via phone, WhatsApp or e-mail.

About us

The couselling centre “Migration und Gute Arbeit Brandenburg” aims to achieve fair working conditions for EU citizens, refugees and third country nationals working in federal state of Brandenburg. We are an interdisciplinary team that provides advice and training on German labour rights in different (native) languages.

Our centre was established by “ARBEIT UND LEBEN Berlin-Brandenburg gGmbH ” and receives funding from the “Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit, Klimaschutz und Energie” of Brandenburg (MWAEK). It works closely with the German Federation of Trade Unions “Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund” (DGB), its member unions and adult education centres.

Striving to achieve decent work in Brandenburg

Labour laws exist to protect people in jobs. For example, you have the right to be paid wages at the rate that is customary to the region and the sector. You also are entitled to resting periods between shifts, paid vacation, and paid sick leave in case of illness. These rights apply to all people, regardless of their orgin or of residence status. Including people working without official working permit or people working without an employment contract.

The labour related rights of migrant workers are sometimes severely infringed. Labour exploitation occurs particularly in cleaning and care services, the agricultural sector, the construction business, in the catering and the logistics sector.

Therefore the couselling centre “Migration und Gute Arbeit Brandenburg” works to establish dignified and fair working conditions in Brandenburg. Their activities include:

  • providing individual advice on labour law
  • trainings on general labour rights for migrants
  • building networks and co-operation with relevant stakeholders


Fachstelle Migration und Gute Arbeit Brandenburg


Standort Potsdam

Im Haus der Gewerkschaften
Breite Straße 9a
1. Stock, Raum 114
14467 Potsdam

Tel.: +49 (0) 331 273 579 98

Fax: +49 (0) 331 273 250 91
E-mail: info@rightsatwork.de

Erreichbarkeit telefonisch und per E-Mail: montags bis donnerstags 10.00-16.00 Uhr. Persönliche Beratungsgespräche nach Terminvereinbarung.

Standort Frankfurt/Oder

Zehmeplatz 11
3. Stock, Raum 306
15230 Frankfurt / Oder

Mobil/WhatsApp: +49 (0) 176 219 897 68 und +49 (0) 176 433 635 17
E-mail: info@rightsatwork.de

Persönliche Beratungsgespräche mittwochs nach Terminvereinbarung.




Joanna Hubert (deutsch, polnisch, englisch)

Mobil/WhatsApp: +49 (0) 176 433 635 17

E-Mail: hubert@berlin.arbeitundleben.de

Maria Seidel (deutsch, französiche, englisch)

Mobil/Whatsapp: +49 (0) 176 219 89973

E-Mail: seidel@berlin.arbeitundleben.de

Magdalena Stawiana (deutsch, polnisch, russisch, englisch)

Mobil/Whatsapp: +49 (0) 176 219 897 68

E-Mail: stawiana@berlin.arbeitundleben.de

Referentin für Schulungen:

Joanna Hubert
Tel.: +49 (0) 176 433 635 17

E-Mail: hubert@berlin.arbeitundleben.de


Dr. Philipp Schwertmann
Tel.: +49 30 513 019 270

E-Mail: schwertmann@berlin.arbeitundleben.de

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Arbeit und Leben Berlin- Brandenburg gGmbH.:




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